High Contrast – The Agony and the Ecstasy

High Contrast – The Agony and the Ecstasy

High Contrast made his way into my music taste when a friend showed me his incredible drum and bass remix of Time To Pretend (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8Bmczy66to), and then I moved onto his original work – and, consulting Spotify, the first song I heard was The Agony and the Ecstasy, which instantly became one of my favourite EDM songs. Combining pop style vocals and synthy-electronic backing, I fell in love with High Contrast, as well as the ‘indie bragging rights’ I gained from liking his music – although some of his songs have huge view counts on youtube and spotify, he is still somewhat unheard of. 
I’m still looking for his albums in record shops but can’t find it anywhere, so I’ll either have to look harder or order it off the internet – and when I do, expect another, much longer review.

Listen, or be square.

– Crum